Fast forward to last Tuesday. I get a call at 6:30 AM. It's my dad telling me that my mom fell and broke her hip. One of the neighbors walking their dog found her. so, off to the hospital I went in the Ambulance with my father and husband in the car. Of course she was admitted, and there I am with Dad. I had to bring him home for his pills and breakfast. He was very upset, and shaken. Started calling or texting the family so that they would k ow. Cancelled mom's Mah Jong game and by then her entire club knew what was happening. Surgery was on Wednesday. Boy, was she out of it for 3 days. My sister, Jennifer, came down on Thursday afternoon to help out. Dad has had an aide since coming out of the hospital,but she was useless. I contacted the agency to see about full time help. We are starting on Monday morning with someone new. I am so glad that Jennifer will be there to help get things straight from the beginning. Yesterday, Saturday afternoon, she was transferred to the rehab hospital. We ended up having 8 people in the room visiting! All family! We then all went out to dinner. Got home around 10:30, and crashed until around 8 this morning.
I promise to keep up with the blog from this point on. I will also fill you in on other things that have happened since February. I have done some scrap booking and will post some of my layouts here. I don't want to burden you all with much more this time around.
Thanks for "listening" to me ramble.