On Scrapdango, we were challenged to think of a word to try and live by for the year It took ma a couple of days, but I finally thought of one. HEALTHIER.
I am not saying that I am dieting, but trying to eat healthier and live a better life style. so far, I have not had any junk food or snacks between my meals. I walked one mile today. I am just going to take one day at a time. the other challenge is to do a layout of the word we choose. This might be a little trickier. I am still pondering that one.
On another note, my youngest son, Scott is in for a few days to visit. It is always good to see him. He is always trying to encourage me to walk and loose weight. I am hoping that this is the year that I turn things around. Tomorrow my middle son and future daughter-in-law comes back home. Instead of going out for breakfast, I just might make something here. If anyone out there has any good, nutritious breakfast maeals for me, please feel free to e mail them to. I guess I will hit the internet and weight watchers cookbooks.